Full Name: Rehmorse "Mors" Nickname(s): Age: 23 Birthday: 4/19 Species: vampire Sexuality: Scars: Piercings: Tattoos: Occupation: Face Claim: Chris Hemsworth
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Bio:Mors is very much like his father. He's a laid back kind of male, who enjoys the simple things that life has to offer most of the time. His mahmen taught him to work hard, so he always puts forth one hundred and ten percent when it comes to anything. When it comes to fighting his father as well as the academy are teaching him to be lethal, and even from the beginning he's had extreme control over his post trans body. Although he has a good handle on his body, the same can not be said for his emotions He varies between being able to joke easily, and not being able to take a joke at all so its best to be careful on what ground you tread with him. He's been on the upswing lately, and should with time be able to handle his emotions and drives better as he ages. He's definitely a cocky bastard, and has a thing for showing off just a little at this time in his life.
Name: Akashuia Age:23 Other Characters: Where did you find Crossroads: affiliation on another site